
School Vision, Mission & Values

Welcome to GEMS Metropole Al Waha, where our focus is on nurturing future leaders. Our motto, "Nurturing Leadership," highlights the importance of providing a supportive and inclusive environment for students to grow and reach their full potential.

Our vision is to create a sustainable and inclusive community hub that nurtures tomorrow's leaders. Our mission is simple: to lead, nurture, and succeed. Our values of curiosity, confidence, creativity, respect, and kindness serve as the foundation for everything we do.

  • Inspiring Our Children

    During lessons students work incredibly hard as they are so deeply engaged by the activities offered. Learning is challenging and teachers and their assistants encourage thinking beyond what is obvious. Students are expected to rise to this challenge and push themselves to higher levels of achievement.

  • Connecting Our Learning

    We routinely provide students with learning in a real life context. Our forest school in the Infants School enables us to meet learning objectives in an outdoor setting. Throughout the school students are provided with opportunities to develop social and leadership skills through teamwork, performing and problem solving activities.

  • Community, Culture, Ethos and Values…

    Our community spirit is very tangible. Our shared values of Respect, Empathy, Compassion, Helpfulness & Leadership are celebrated, as is the UAE’s culture and values. Of fundamental importance to us all is community spirit and how our moral values that we learn through our interactions help us become responsible, morally upstanding, citizens.

  • Striving for Success

    Our students approach challenging tasks with resilience and are not put off by difficulties they may face. They show a determination to succeed and understand facing up to problems is an essential life skill. Not everyone gets it right all the time, but our students are taught it’s fine to fail from time to time. Through HPL independent learning is a common feature of lessons and students are praised regularly for ‘EFFORT’. The quality of feedback is second to none and teachers ensure feedback is acted upon swiftly so that gains in knowledge and understanding are crystal clear and that progress in learning is high.

  • Quest for Knowledge

    At GEMS Metropole, we all believe innovation plays a crucial part in driving up the quality of teaching to even higher levels. The willingness to share and learn from each other is tangible and a key feature of our school. A visitor walking around would notice that classroom doors are open and that colleagues regularly take the opportunity to observe each other to learn best practice and reflect on their own pedagogy.

  • A Sense of Community

    Everyone is playing their part in helping their school to take its place at the centre of the community. When it is time for parents’ evenings the ethos of partnership with parents shines through and real dialogue that puts the learner first helps families understand how their child can achieve even more!

Our Vision


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