Nav Iqbal
Nav Iqbal is a leader who takes a vision and makes it reality, through a collaborative approach which places the wellbeing of every young person at the heart of any decisions made in school. He intuitively sees the threads of opportunity that wi nd through the school, he will bring them together into a coherent whole, he helps other extend their thinking, and drives educational excellence. He is an inspirational leader who tells stories that inspire action while at the same time is grounded in strong school leadership knowledge that levers the school.
As a life-long learner, Nav believes academic enhancement is critical to leadership and with this in mind has completed his M.Ed. in Educational Leadership from the University of Nottingham and more recently his National Professional Qualification in Executive Leadership (NPQEL). Nav will consistently share his academic experiences and leadership understanding with all in a collegial and collaborative manner, as he believes this will benefit others and help contribute positively to education as a whole. Nav has over a decade of school leadership experience and prior to this worked in banking in the UK. In his early career he was a secondary Psychology teacher in the UK and excelled up to senior leadership.
Nav has also been an entrepreneur, as he successfully established SME’s in the UK which he operated for many years. He believes that the vocational life experiences he has gained, combined with academic rigour and a strong aspiration have served him well in his leadership. Respected as a credible voice in decision making, school set ups, and establishing efficient and effective schools which aim to achieve educational excellence overtime, Nav earns his respect in school leadership through resilience, emotional intelligence and a drive to improve himself and create leaders around him.
Nav has a wealth of experience in school startups as he led the two successful school set ups and led the schools to a high performing and quality standard. He now joins a strong team, aimed to spearhead excellent quality education for our school community, which is inclusive to our individual needs, will drive excellence and helps to nurture global citizens of the future.