Kate Marshall

Kate Marshall

Head of EYFS

Kate Marshall, a Brisbane native, graduated from Australian Catholic University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Education (Primary) degree. She later pursued Post Graduate Certificates in Early Childhood Studies and Educational Leadership to further enhance her qualifications. Over the course of a decade, Kate taught students at various levels, including Early Years, Key Stage 1, and Key Stage 2, in three different schools in Brisbane.

During this time, she took on additional responsibilities such as Year Lead and Curriculum Lead, demonstrating her commitment to educational excellence. In 2012, Kate relocated to London, where she worked as an early years teacher before eventually settling in the United Arab Emirates in 2014. In Ajman, she joined an IB and British Curriculum School as an FS2 Teacher, also serving as the Phonics Coordinator and Early Years Literacy Leader.

Since 2017, Kate has been an integral part of the Foundation Stage at GEMS Metropole School – Motor City, where she is entering her sixth year. Passionate about early years education, Kate focuses on developing stimulating and meaningful learning experiences that resonate with her students' everyday lives. She fosters a classroom environment that encourages children to celebrate their individuality while embracing and accepting the uniqueness of others. Kate actively supports and promotes open sharing of personal experiences, culture, abilities, and backgrounds among her students.